20th FEB 2024 – Children’s Emotional Health and Wellbeing Workshop for Parents and Carers

20th FEB 2024 – Children’s Emotional Health and Wellbeing Workshop for Parents and Carers

Mental Health Support Team (MHST) Children’s emotional health and wellbeing workshop for parents and carers (primary age)

This one hour, interactive workshop aims to provide parents and carers with an understanding of common mental health difficulties in young people. We will explore common mental health difficulties such as anxiety and depression, and how these might present in school and at home. We will also explore how you can support a young person’s mental health and what the MHST may be able to offer.

This MS Teams workshop will be offered three times throughout the academic year, giving parents multiple opportunities to attend. The dates are below.

10th October 2023       time 6-7.15 pm

20th February 2024     time 6-7.15 pm

14th May 2024             time 6-7.15 pm

If parents and carers would like to attend any of these workshops, please advise the school so that the relevant MS Teams link can be sent nearer the date of the workshop. Please find details of how to download Microsoft Team here.

Huthwaite All Saints C of E Infant School